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Swim Team Handbook

Swim Team Handbook

As soon as you know your vacation dates, please sign out of any meets you will not attend. You do not need to notify anyone about missed practices.

It is not necessary to attend all practices and meets. We realize that family plans or illness may result in your absence. If you become ill on the day of the meet, please email the head desk ([email protected]) and let them know you are unable to swim.


Adherence to the deadlines is mandatory because the coaches must submit meet entries 48 hours before dual meets and approximately 2 weeks before invitational meets. 

Dual Meets: The sign-in deadline for dual meets is 11:59 pm of the day that is one week before the meet. e.g, for a Wednesday meet, the deadline is 11:59 pm of the previous Wednesday.

Invitational Meets: Deadlines vary, and will be posted on the Events page.

League Championship Meet: The coaches need to know this ASAP, but no less than 2 weeks before the meet. This meet is the culmination of the season so all swimmers are strongly encouraged to attend.


A $25 fine will be assessed for any swimmer that is entered in a meet and fails to show up. A LIV board member will contact you via email to notify you of your obligation to pay the fine. You will have one week from that time to pay your fine. If the fine is not paid by that time, the swimmer will be suspended for one meet. Exceptions will be made in case of illness so long as the team is notified prior to the start of the meet.

Please remember you are still responsible for the meets that you have been scheduled to work, even if your child is not swimming. Trade with another parent, or hire a substitute. Parents will be required to pay a $200 fine for each meet job missed, or if they fail to adequately fulfill the job requirement.

Ribbons and Popped Times
Each pool sets its own policy for awarding ribbons. Ribbons are written at the meet. The information on the ribbon usually includes the swimmer's name, age group, meet, event, distance, time, and date. Ribbons are not given out at the meets. They will be placed in your family's file folder.

All families and coaches have a folder kept in alphabetical order near the Guard Shack. Please check your folder often. The folder will have your swimmer's ribbons as well as other LIV items. 

Every time a swimmer sets a new personal best time, we put a star on the "popped" times board. For every 5 popped times, your swimmer receives a prize! This is a great way to focus on a growth mindset and individual achievements.

Communications with Coaches

If you need to discuss a team policy or wish to speak with a coach, please contact the Director. DO NOT INTERRUPT WORKOUTS, MEETS, OR LESSONS! If the Director cannot resolve your issue and you still wish to speak with the coach, the Director will arrange an appointment.

Fund Raising
Fundraising is necessary because the registration fees do not cover all the team's expenses. Additional funds help support our team social programs, pay for invitationals, as well as give us the ability to upgrade some of our aging equipment. To supplement registration fees, we ask that you help us in our various fund raising efforts throughout the season.

We will be looking for businesses in the area that are interested in sponsoring the swim team. If you know anyone or are interested in sponsorship or have any questions about fundraising, please contact the fundraising coordinator of the Livorna Swim Team Board of Directors.

Guidelines for Meets
• Check the meet entries posted prior to the meet. It is important to confirm what and when you're swimming. 
• Arrive 10 minutes prior to warm-ups. The coaches will remind you of the exact time.
• Come prepared for the swim meets with the following:
- Suits
- Towels 
- Heavy jacket and/or team parka
- Sunscreen
- Swim Caps
• Know your swim schedule before the meet! You must be lined up for your stroke 10 minutes prior to your swim. It is your responsibility to find out what strokes, what heat, and what lane you will be swimming. All events will be announced over the loud speaker. Login to your SwimTopia app for all the current information.
• Listen to the announcer
• Show respect to the other swimmers and meet officials.
• For 9 and ups: Honor your fellow competitors by remaining in the water until all swimmers in the heat have finished; shake hands before exiting the water.
• Keep your team area clean. Pick up trash and your belongings before you leave the meet.
• Cheer for your teammates!!!

Guidelines for Parents (please also read this page of Parent Guidelines)
Parent participation is crucial to the success of any swim team. Your cooperation is encouraged in the following ways:
• Plan to attend meets in which your child is swimming.
• Please be on time for meets, especially if your child is swimming in a relay. Our coaches will insert a substitute for any relay swimmer not present at the pool fifteen minutes before the start of the meet. Substitutions, when made, shall be final and not be reversed when/if the missing swimmer arrives just in time for the race.
• Remember that encouragement and praise are essential for every swimmer's self esteem.
• Plan to work or find a replacement for your job assignments. Your child may be scratched from the meet if this happens more than once. Let's all make a conscientious effort!
• Please inform the Meet Director as soon as possible if your child is ill the day of a meet. Scratched relays leave three other swimmers disappointed.
• Keep informed!
• If you have an 8 and under swimmer, please get your child to the appropriate lane in time for his/her swim. IT IS THE PARENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DELIVER THEIR CHILD TO THE LANE IN WHICH THEY ARE SWIMMING. Stress to your child that he/she needs to stay in the team area during meets. Mark your swimmers before the start of the meet.
• Bring plenty of dry towels.
• Bring sun protection.
• Plan food -- when and what.
• When in doubt -- email and ask.
• Arrive early.
• Consider bringing chairs.
• Parents are responsible for knowing their swimmer's events and lane assignments and for getting their swimmer to the blocks on time. The coaches are not responsible for getting swimmers to the blocks. Coaches are responsible for stroke development, critiquing and evaluating the swimmers at meets and practices.

• Please keep your family area clean. Encourage your child to do the same.
• Cheer for all the swimmers -- not just your own. Learn other swimmers' names.
• If you don't understand something, ask a board member
• The coaches are not babysitters - please don't leave younger children unattended.
• The showers are for showering; please monitor your children's proper use of them.
• Have a positive, helpful attitude and encourage your child to do the same. LIV is run by volunteers. Please support those people who have volunteered above and beyond the regular meet jobs -- consider doing more than the minimum.

Guidelines for Practices
• Arrive on time.
• Get into the pool immediately following the coaches' directions.
• Do all finishes correctly.
• Stay in water unless told otherwise.
• Listen to instructions. Keep quiet while the coach is talking. You won't know what to do if you are under the water.
• Ask questions of the coach if you don't understand the instructions.

Guidelines for Swimmers
• NO running on the pool deck.
• NO pushing others in the water.
• NO entering the water for workouts until told to do so by the coach.
• NO glass at the pool deck.
• NO riding bikes, skateboards, scooters, or rollerblades on pool deck.
• NO crazy diving off the starting blocks.
• Respect the rights of others, including their personal property.
• Treat team equipment as if it were your own (kickboards, etc.).
• Put your name on goggles and clothing.
• Keep track of your own things. Don't expect others to remind you where you left them.
• Arrive on time for workouts and meets.
• All individuals associated with LIV are to observe the Paddock Hills Homeowners' Association pool rules as posted at the entrance and at poolside. This same policy extends to the pools of host teams.

• If a swimmer's (or parent's) conduct becomes a problem and disrupts other swimmers, the coaches may eject them from the pool premises and bar them from future workouts and meets. The length of the dismissal will be at the discretion of the coaching staff and board.

Livorna Swim Team is a member of the Diablo Community Swim League (DCSL) with seven other teams. The DCSL website has a list of all league teams, along with their addresses.

Lost & Found
LIV has a Lost and Found area. Check it for missing articles. LIV will donate contents of the lost and found to a charitable organization at the end of the season.

Meet Information
Wednesday evening meets typically begin at 5:30 p.m. Warm-ups are typically at 4:15 p.m. for home meets and 4:45 p.m. for away meets. Wednesday meets usually end by 9 p.m. Saturday morning meets begin at 9 a.m. Warm-ups are at 7:45 a.m. for home meets and 8:25 a.m. for away meets. Saturday meets usually end by 12:30 p.m. *Start times and warm-up times can vary, so always check the Events page for actual timing for each meet*

Each swimmer is responsible for reviewing his or her assigned events as posted and getting to the starting block or lane clerk on time. Events will be posted online and you can refer to your SwimTopia app.  Parents must be alert to their younger swimmers' whereabouts and get them to the lane clerks well in advance of the event start. Parents are responsible for marking their swimmers prior to the start of the meet.

Swimmers must remain at least until their last event or relay has been swum. Swimmers are encouraged to remain for the full meet to cheer on their teammates, but you are allowed to leave after your last event, if you wish to do so.

Meet Results
Meet results will be posted within a day or two of the meet on the team web site. If you have any questions about a swimmer's meet results, please contact the Meet Director. Sometimes, events beyond our control, such as computer issues involving the other team, may come up that keep us from posting meet results. Please be patient and know that we will get the results up as soon as possible.

Parent Participation/Jobs
Parents of all swimmers are required to administer the team business and run home meets. Parents can choose their job(s) or their jobs will be assigned for them. Parents agree to participate in the running of the meets when they register their swimmers. This includes home, away and Invitational meets. Each family is required to work at meets plus Invitational meets. It takes about 60 people to run a home meet and 25 people to help at away meets. We need each and every one of you.

If you cannot attend to your job as planned, then it is your responsibility to find a replacement. This can be done by looking on the roster and making telephone calls. If you are excessively late, fail to complete the job requirements entirely, or do not work an assigned job without finding a replacement, you will be required to pay a $200 fine for each job missed. Please notify the jobs coordinator in advance if you have traded jobs with another parent or have found a replacement for your assigned job.

Parents also participate by ensuring that their children attend daily workouts, attend social events and the awards ceremony, and by participating in fundraising activities.

Posting of Meet Entries
• Entries for all meets will be posted on the website at least one day before the meet.
• Final entries, with lane assignments, will be posted on our website.

Refund Policy
Refunds of season registration fees paid, minus a $100 charge, are available to all swimmers for the first week after pre-season practice begins. Once this deadline passes, no refunds of any kind will be given.

Registration Fees
Each year the financial goal of the Livorna Swim Team is to run a balanced budget. To that end, the LIV Board of Directors determines registration fees. Registration fees cover the coaches' wages and associated taxes, the Paddock Hills Homeowners' Association pool use fee, swim team supplies, league insurance and dues as well as other team operating expenses. The registration fees cover some social event costs as well as the entry fees for the DCSL League Meet and County Meet. Additional fees will be charged for participation in any remaining invitational meets and some of the other social events.

Swim team fees are due and payable at registration. Additional fees may be required by Paddock Hills Homeowners Association - these additional fees depend on your Paddock Hills Homeowners' Association membership status.

If you would like a copy of the team’s annual budget, please contact our Treasurer.

All swimmers must wear appropriate "competition-style" swim attire. Boys must wear either a jammer or a speedo style suit. Baggy "board" shorts are not permitted. Each family purchases their swimmer's suit. Suits may be ordered early in the season though the current Livorna vendor. Team suits are not required at daily workouts but should be worn for all League meets and for team pictures. We follow the tech suit restrictions as per USA swimming. 

Team Pictures
Swimmers are required to come in their team suits. Parents will have the opportunity to select and purchase from a variety of packages including a group photo. Payment is due the day the photos are taken.

Types of Meets

Time Trials. This is the first chance to see our swimmers compete. This is our own meet with the members swimming against each other. Every swimmer is timed in every event. There are no relays. This is a very important meet, to obtain times so that future meets can be seeded correctly. Due to time constraints no make up for time trials is possible.

League Meets. We compete in a dual meet against each of the other DCSL teams during the season. League meets will be scheduled in a manner that allows our team to be competitive and is subject to the coach's discretion. These meets generally involve the fastest swimmers on both teams. Faster swimmers will get more swims at League meets.

Non-League Meets. Non-League meets are used to make sure the number of swims is equitable by the end of the season. The format is the same as league meets (same events) but the focus is on balancing the number of swims. Faster swimmers will generally get fewer swims at non-league meets.

Invitational Meets. These are meets in which we are invited to compete along with many other swim teams. Invitational meets are hosted by a swim team at their facility, unless otherwise noted. Swimmers are sometimes allowed to choose in which events they wish to swim (this is a coach decision). Check the meet schedule to see when this year's invitationals are scheduled.

DCSL Championship. This is the culmination of the season, when the eight teams in the DCSL compete in a season finale meet. This is the best meet for the entire team to compete against all the individual teams in our League. A summer highlight!

County Championship Meet. Swimmers who qualify by swimming a qualifying time at a scored dual meet are eligible to swim in the Contra Costa County Championship Meet. Relay entries need not have made a qualifying time in a meet together (but their combined times need to be under a qualifying time).

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