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Pool Rules

Livorna Swim Club Pool Rules

An adult is anyone 18 years of age or older.

  1. Parents are responsible for their children’s conduct at all time. Lifeguards do not provide babysitting services at the pool.
  2. Children must pass a lifeguard administered swim test to use this pool without the direct supervision of an adult. An adult must accompany any guests and are responsible for their guests.
  3. No diving of any kind is allowed in this pool.
  4. No running on pool deck or in dressing rooms.
  5. No hazardous games are allowed in or around the pool.
  6. Lifeguards have the authority to restrict or terminate any activity that may be dangerous or inappropriate. Swimmers can be removed from the pool area at any time at the lifeguard’s discretion.
  7. Every hour on the hour, children are removed from the main pool and baby pool for a ten minute rest period and to allow for adult swimming. No exceptions.
  8. The baby pool is restricted to non-swimmers and children under six. An adult must always be present and responsible.
  9. No lotions or oils of any kind are allowed in the pool. If these are used, then a soap shower must be taken before entering the pool
  10. With the exception of qualified Service Animals accompanied by their handler, no pets are allowed inside the pool gates.
  11. No disposable diapers are allowed in the water. Diapers must have a plastic covering.
  12. No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the pool area.
  13. No aqualungs or inflatable boats are allowed. Floatation devices may be used at the lifeguard’s discretion. The number of floatation devices allowed at any time with be at the lifeguard’s discretion. Floatation devices should be no longer than 40 inches.
  14. No alcoholic beverages, nor members or guests deemed to be under the influence of alcohol, are allowed in the pool area. Such determination will be made by the lifeguard or Board member.
  15. No smoking inside the pool area.
  16. Swimming instruction may be given by Livorna Swim Club lifeguards with approval of the Board of Directors, and only when they are not on duty.
  17. For information and reservations for private swim parties, contact any member of the Paddock Hills Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors.

Swim Team Practice & Safety Guidelines

  1. Arrive on time for workouts and practice.
  2. No running on the pool deck.
  3. No entering the water for workouts until told to do so by the coach.
  4. No pushing others in the water.
  5. No running in the bushes, climbing trees, messing with the bulletin board, etc.
  6. No swimmers are allowed in the coaches office in the back.
  7. No glass at the pool deck.
  8. No riding bikes, skateboards, scooters, or rollerblades on pool deck.
  9. No diving off the starting blocks unless requested by a coach.
  10. Respect the rights of others, including their personal property.
  11. Treat team equipment as if it were your own (kickboards, etc.). No climbing on any equipment.
  12. Put your name on goggles and clothing.
  13. Keep track of your own things. Please gather belongings when departing the pool.
  14. Check the bulletin board for team information.
  15. Check the Lost and Found periodically.
  16. With the exception of qualified Service Animals accompanied by their handler, no pets are allowed inside the pool gates.
  17. The Baby pool is open but there is no Lifeguard on duty. Please be vigilant around the baby pool.
  18. All individuals associated with LST are to observe the Paddock Hills Homeowners' Association pool rules as posted at the entrance and at poolside. This same policy extends to the pools of host teams.
  19. If a swimmer's conduct becomes a problem and disrupts other swimmers, the coaches may eject them from the pool premises and bar them from future workouts and meets. The length of the dismissal will be at the discretion of the coaching staff and board.
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